Vision Zero

What is Vision Zero?

A simple, yet ambitious idea that there are no acceptable number of traffic deaths and serious injuries on our roadways. 

An admission that traffic deaths and serious injuries are not inevitable. 

Being committed to a goal to reduce motorist, bicyclist, pedestrian, transit user, horse and buggy and other transportation-related deaths and serious injuries.


To accomplish this goal, Whitley County has hired American Structurepoint through a Safe Streets For All (SS4A) grant from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to develop a county wide safety action plan to provide guidance on locations and aspects of roadway safety to reduce collisions. This plan will:

  1. Use data to analyze patterns and identify locations and areas where specific projects can increase safety.
  2. Review Whitley County policies and ordinances determining potential countywide improvements. 
  3. Incorporate equity into project and policy development protecting lesser served populations. 


Spring 2024: Distribute public online survey providing citizens with the chance to provide input on roadway safety.

   Participate in community events to provide a forum for asking questions and providing additional input. 

   Ratify a Vision Zero ordinance through the Whitley County Board of Commissioners. 

Summer 2024: Plan published and adopted.

Spring 2025: Apply for implementation grants through FHWA to implement the items established in the plan. 

Post-implementation: Monitor results of the implementation to assess effectiveness. 

Further Information

If you have questions or would like more information, please call the office of the County Engineer/Surveyor.

For information about outside safety organizations, click the logo links below. 

Vision Zero Network USDOT FHWA SS4A INDOT Buckle Up Phone Down American Structurepoint