Columbia City Jurisdiction

The Columbia City/Whitley County Joint Planning and Building Department provides planning, zoning, and building services for all of Whitley County including the communities of Columbia City, Churubusco, South Whitley, and Larwill (which falls under the County jurisdiction).

The jurisdictional area for Columbia City is detailed below. Properties outside the orange boundary fall under the County jurisdiction, unless they are included in the Churubusco or South Whitley jurisdictional areas.

Columbia City Planning Jurisdiction

The Columbia City/Whitley County Joint Planning and Building Department staff assists both existing and future residents with applications for zoning, variance and development proposals, as well as building permits for dwellings and accessory structures. The developers and development professionals are provided with information and assistance on requirements and regulations regarding zoning matters and subdivision plats.

The Department also staffs the Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals for each of the jurisdictional areas. Indiana Planning and Zoning Law regulates membership, responsibilities, terms, and qualifications for the Plan Commissions (I.C.,216) and the Board of Zoning Appeals (I.C. 36-7-4-902,905).

Columbia City Plan Commission

Columbia City Board of Zoning Appeals

 Columbia City Comprehensive Plan