Staff Directory - Staff by Department
Adult Probation
Adult Residential Work Release
Bad Check Program
Bridges & Small Structures
Brooke Spreen
Circuit Court
Clerk of Courts
Commissioner Meetings
Community Corrections
- Call, Brian
- Fulkerson, Tyler
- Jensen-Kelley, Julie
- Fulk, Virgil
- Burney, Vicki
- Herbst, Jackie
- McBride, Katee
- Minier, Liane
- Snyder, Jill
County Commissioners
County Council
- Barrett, John
- Brewer, Nicholas
- Wheeler, Kim
- Hodges, Thor
- Warner, Thomas
- Western, Joan
- Argerbright, James
County Drains
Court House Security
Drainage Board
Drainage General Provisions
E911 Communications
Emergency Management Agency
Engineer / Surveyor
Environmental Health
Example for Training
Food Protection
Health Department
- Rubrake, Sonya
- Little, Traci
- Burkett, Dr. Mark
- Henderson, Danielle
- LaRue, Carlee
- Wagner, Scott
- Weigold, Laura
- Reid, R.N., Heather
- Malcolm, Mike
Highway Department
Historical Museum
Human Resources
Immunization Clinic
Infraction Deferrals
Lactation Consultant
Maintenance Department
Permits - Pond & Right of Way Cut
Planning & Building
Probation Department
- Beber, Edward
- Lock, Cassandra
- Gable, Sylvia
- Rollins-Porter, Kristin
- Desch, Ian
- Christie, Jennifer
- Amburgey, Dede
Prosecuting Attorney
Redevelopment Commission
Role of the Commissioners
Sheriff's Department / Jail
- Paxton, Christopher
- Whitley, K9
- Bachelder, Christopher
- Maddox, Billy
- Smith, Wayne
- Spencer, Jason
- Cook, Todd
- Schmitt, Janelle
- Yagel, Justin
- Auer, Dustin
- Helfrich, Anthony
- Schmitt, Scott
- Horn, Carla
- Westerman, Andrew
- Archbold, Gary
- Smith, Brandon
- Sands, Robert
- Barber, Brenden
- Burman, Blake
- Holloway, Chad
- Martin, Sean
- Hollenbaugh, Jody
- Schrader, Bethany
- Bradbury, Susan
Sheriff's Deputies & Reserve Deputies
- Paxton, Christopher
- Whitley, K9
- Bachelder, Christopher
- Maddox, Billy
- Smith, Wayne
- Spencer, Jason
- Cook, Todd
- Yagel, Justin
- Auer, Dustin
- Schmitt, Scott
- Westerman, Andrew
- Smith, Brandon
- Sands, Robert
- Barber, Brenden
- Burman, Blake