Private Crossing of an Open Drain

Private Crossing of an Open Drain - IC 36-9-27-72(c)
If a landowner wants to place a culvert in an open ditch, the landowner shall provide a plan and specifications for the installation.  The plan and specifications will be reviewed by the County Surveyor or the County Engineer to verify the hydraulic adequacy of the crossing.  The plan and specifications should include, at a minimum, the following:
    • A map or description of the location of the project
    • A plan and profile view of the project which includes:
      1. elevations
      2. amount of sump
      3. diameter of the culvert 
      4. material of the culvert
      5. gage of the culvert 
      6. length of the culvert
      7. slopes of all fills within the project
      8. amount of cover over the culvert 
      9. type of cover over the culvert
      10. a project benchmark
    • The diameter(s) of the nearest culverts, both upstream and downstream, for the drain, with a map or description of their location.  Pictures showing the condition of the ditch bottom on both sides of the existing culverts are highly recommended to speed up the review process.
    • Specifications as to the method and material of backfill, erosion control measures, and scour prevention.
In the case of a proposal to place a bridge, the plans and specifications shall be prepared by an engineer who is licensed by the State of Indiana.